For the first time since Dave became a leadership coach 16 years ago, his dad Ron Veale had the opportunity to see his son at work – by being a part of the Using Coaching to Lead session Dave taught.
As the threat of COVID recedes where I live, my family and I were overjoyed to be able to welcome my parents for a visit for the first time since the pandemic began.
My folks live more than 6,500 kilometres away, which means visits are special occasions in any event. But the reunion at the airport was especially emotional, with our children getting extra tight hugs.
I couldn’t help but think similar scenes were playing themselves out throughout the globe. During their visit, I tried to clear as much off the calendar as possible to be with them but there was one engagement in particular I needed to deliver.
I brought Dad with me as we drove more than three hours north to Miramichi, New Brunswick so I could deliver our Using Coaching to Lead program to more than a dozen entrepreneurs from across Atlantic Canada who are part of the Wallace McCain Institute for Business Leadership.
In all my years of coaching, Dad – a retired chief justice – had never seen me at work, so I invited him to observe. When I asked the group if that was okay, they noted there was one person who couldn’t attend and invited him to be an active participant.
Time seems more precious
As I delivered the half-day session, educating them how to use a coaching approach to their leadership, Dad proved to be the most challenging of the participants of the day! But it was so gratifying to have him there, to have him take part and to have him witness what it is I do for the first time in 16 years.
These days, time with family seems so much more precious. I’ve been trying hard at unplugging from work in the evenings and weekends to present and involved with my family. There have been some challenges, but I’ve had some success over the last year – just ask Mary Ellen Veale.
Mary Ellen, a co-founder of Vision Coaching, is my partner in life as well as business. Before we got married, she was the one to encourage me to jump into leadership coaching.
I’m delighted to share some news with you about her – she’s joined the Vision Coaching roster of coaches! (See more details here.)
I am thankful that I have the opportunity to involve my family in what it is I do, and that today we are fortunate to be in a position to be with other people again. I hope that you, too, are in a place to be reunited with others again, or soon will be. It’s been a long time.
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Dave Veale Founder & CEO Vision Coaching Inc. dave@visioncoachinginc.com