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Non-Profit Leaders
Non-Profit leaders talk about how their leadership coaching experiences helped improve their leadership skills, their organizations and the bottom line…

Jamie Ryan
CEO, New Brunswick Real Estate Association
I count myself lucky to have had the opportunity to participate in this program.
My coaching experience through the non-profit leader coaching program has provided me with an opportunity to reflect in a non-intrusive way on how to be more effective as an overall leader.
My coach has provided me with tools such as evaluating my conflict style and overall management style.
I recommend this program for any CEO leader in their skill development journey and I count myself lucky to have had the opportunity to participate in this program.

Laurie Guthrie EcD, BIS
Economic Development & Marketing Specialist
Ignite Fredericton, Knowledge Park, Planet Hatch
I learned how to better coach and provide valuable feedback to staff.
I found the Vision Coaching program very beneficial in terms of SMART goal setting. One specific example is that through the coaching and resources/tools, I was able to establish a performance management system for my business unit. I learned how to better coach and provide valuable feedback to staff.
This particular goal culminated in conducting a performance review of a struggling staff person. The end result was a mutually beneficial experience, and to witness her significant improvement.
The performance review process was also a pilot, which we are considering implementing across our organization. The anticipated result will be staff accountability and solid performance.
Carol O’Reilly
Chief Executive Officer,
Greater Moncton Chamber of Commerce
If you are questioning the value of this program: Don’t.
I was fortunate to have a personal coach for a six month period. My coach was a true professional. The impact of this program was overwhelmingly positive. I was able to make positive changes in my work and personal life.
If you are questioning the value of this program: don’t. You will get out of it what you put into it. Thank you for all the great work you do.

Krista Ross
Chief Executive Officer,
Fredericton Chamber of Commerce
I was able to do a better job of getting priorities lined up.
Having an executive coach helped me to be more focused. I was able to do a better job of getting priorities lined up and determining what the energy and time drains were that were not contributing to meeting my personal goals and the goals of the organization.

Vanessa Paesani
Managing Director, Harvest Jazz and Blues Festival / Co-Moderator, Excellence in Experiential Education (E3) Peer Group
Thanks for the great experience!
Working with my Vision coach was an excellent professional experience. My coach is very skilled at asking great questions and listening carefully to both what you’re saying and what you’re implying, to ask even better questions.
I gained a lot of immensely valuable professional insight from what he reflected back to me. I would recommend a coach to any professional looking to take their career to the next level. Thanks for the great experience!
Heather Hubert
Executive Director / Directrice Exécutive, CBDC Southwest
It is an extremely valuable investment, and one that I will be able to reflect on for years to come.
I found the coaching experience invaluable. I was able to identify “road blocks” to both my success and the success of the organization via the coaching program.
Once identified it was easy to begin the work to remove these road blocks and allow both myself and the organization to move forward to generating more revenue, having staff that felt valued and productive and improve our client’s overall experience with our organization.
I would highly recommend this program – it is an extremely valuable investment, and one that I will be able to reflect on for years to come.
Shilo Boucher CPA, CA
President and CEO, YMCA of Greater Saint John
Having a coach confirms if you are in fact on the right track.
Having a coach allows you the opportunity to have a sounding board, to deal with the difficult situations that you are not able to speak about to others due to the sensitivity of information. Having a coach confirms if you are in fact on the right track and if there are any adjustments needed.
It helps the person being coached discover opportunities for the organization as well as the gaps. New ideas emerge and new way of doing things that one may never have thought of themselves.
A coach sparks ideas and innovations through conversation and digging into the problem.
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