As we help leaders develop, we are acutely aware of the tools and skills needed to continuously support their growth. One-to-One Leadership Coaching is an important piece of the puzzle along with other programs and tools that can be seamlessly integrated for the ideal leadership development program.
To assist our clients and extend our reach, we have developed strategic partnerships to provide a one-stop-shop for Leadership Development.

Janna Hare, Executive Director
We’re thrilled to introduce you to our newest strategic partner, Janna Hare, Executive Director of The Mentra, a new initiative dedicated to developing a network of mentors throughout Atlantic Canada and beyond.
Janna, a certified coach, management consultant and training expert finds herself explaining the difference between coaching and mentoring all the time. There is confusion in the market place, but also recognition that both coaching and mentoring are important cornerstones of leadership development.
When I heard about The Mentra’s mandate of ‘creating the most credible, connected and sustainable community of mentors in the world’ I was keenly interested, as I know mentoring is regarded as one of the most effective leadership development activities. On top of this bold mandate, The Mentra is fully supported by an impressive group of founding member organizations that are equally committed to developing leaders. The founding members are: The Wallace McCain Institute; BioNB; the New Brunswick Business Council; Planet Hatch; the Pond-Deshpande Centre; the Venn Centre and The Social Policy Research Network.
Janna and her team are building a world-class platform to allow professionals and entrepreneurs to access a deep pool of highly-skilled and influential mentors across all sectors. Her team will be providing the global standard in mentorship training and certification. The Mentra can help organizations plan for future success with their unique Structured Mentoring Program™.