This time of year is naturally one of reflection.
I can’t help but think of how this has been yet another turbulent leadership ride for a lot of people and organizations, dealing with the turmoil of the COVID pandemic and all that it brings.
It is important for leaders to be mindful of their responsibilities to those they lead and to themselves. And first among those responsibilities is self-care – to be an effective leader, you must have the energy and vision to engage those who depend on you.
If you’re exhausted, distracted or preoccupied, you’re not only doing yourself a disservice but others around you as well – your colleagues, your family and friends.
It is like a turbulent ride on an airplane. If things go awry and the oxygen masks drop, you can’t help others until you take care of yourself.
The other day, I dug out a Globe & Mail article from a few years ago on unplugging while on vacation. I share it with you here because it has some excellent advice and tactics of disconnecting from the office while you are away.
I will be doing my best to follow my own advice here: to stop, to take a breath, and to enjoy the holidays in whatever form they take.
On behalf of the entire team at Vision Coaching, I extend our very best wishes for an enjoyable, restful – and unplugged – holiday season. Looking forward to seeing you in 2022!

Dave Veale Founder & CEO Vision Coaching Inc.